Saturday, December 10, 2011

Whats the threaded hole in the left side of Kawasaki motorcycle frames?

Just bought a 2007 ZZR600 and I noticed that there was a girl end threading for something in the left side of the frame. My sisters 2006 ZX-6R has the same thing and I was just wondering what its for.|||My Ducati has a weird threaded hole in it too. Turned out to be a place they attach the rig for moving it down the assembly line.

If you see no other obvious reason for it, that might be it.|||If it has a collar nut on the outside of it, it's probably there to allow the motor to be shifted left and right within the frame. Just like NASCAR will setup a car to turn Left, you can setup a motorcycle to have more weight on one side.

In SuperSport racing, every advantage is needed to gain that extra tenth through the corner. This is one of them thangs. (Although the ZZR is not my idea of a race bike, it is 'inspired' by it's brother the Ninja.)

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