Saturday, December 24, 2011

Why won't my motorcycles fan stop?Kawasaki 454 Ltd?

Many of you are going to say it's running hot still-But I never even had the bike running. I bought a new battery to try and see If I could get it to start installed it left it on charge and came back and it was worse that when I left. I didn't hear the fan running when I left but when I came back and put the jumper on it again I hear it whirl up. I though that I must've left it in the on position but with the key in my pocket I quickly realized that wasn't the case.|||fan temp. sensor is kaput. need to confirm and replace.|||ye...the temp sensor is the main culprit here...

u could add a manual switch to the fan...i have been using it for about 1 year...

locate the fan switch on the radiator and add a switch from there without disconnecting any wire ...

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