Saturday, December 10, 2011

How many 1974 Kawasaki 900 motorcycles were made?

Hi Kat,,

Simple answer is "27,500"

Real Deal is this,,

The Jap Bike makers dont publish production figures.

And they Don't really make "Model Years" with much regard to an actual Calendar.

They make "Production Runs" which are intended to sort of "Centered" on the calendar as a basic Year Model

'74 Z1's can be from '73,'74,or '75

Production Began in 73,,ended in 74,,,and Sales of end-of-series overlapped into 75 and were sold as '75's

What we consider to be '74's are actually " Z1-A's".

More than a Year Model,,,it designates the SERIES which includes Updates,Revisions,Style Changes,,,etc

all which Distinguish the bikes we all consider to be"1974's"

So what we call '74's are Z1-A's

They were Made and Sold in '73 as '73's And later as '74's

Then during '74 Calendar Year,,were made and sold as '74's

At End of '74 Z1-A's were made in '74 and sold as '75's

As I said earlier,,,there's No Official publication of Production Figures.

Nor is there any of ANNUAL SALES.

Without retrieving EVERY MSO(mfgr's statement of Origin) Nationwide from each state's Dept of vehicles registration,,,there's No way to be even Close,,let alone accurate or certain.

So Next Best Thing,,,,and what gives us an accurate reflection of actual production figures.....

Is the SERIAL NUMBER RANGE of the design Series

We can see when Z1-A's Originated,,,Serial Number-wise.

And we can see when it's Successor Series originated.

Z1-A's began at Serial Number

Frame No.: Z1F-020001-

Plain Z1's,,"'1973's" began at -000001

So we can see that there were 20,000 '73's made,,,which was the official Inaugural Year

After '74 Z1-A's which started at -20001,

the '75's were Z1-B's

"1975" Z1-B's began at Z1F-047500-

So if 74' began at 20001,,,and ended at -047500,,,,

That's 27,500 '74 Z1-A Bikes

made between '73 Z1 and '75 Z1-B

No way to tell how many of those 27,500 Z1-A's were sold as '73's and '75's,,,or not that I know of anyway.

At least it gives us a MAX Number of 27,500 -A models.

Leaving a More Correct answer to your question as being,,

"LESS than 27,500 Actual Mfg'd-As 1974 Kaw 900's"

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