Friday, December 16, 2011

How do the performance, comfort, and reliability of motorcycles compare with automobiles for example?

say the car is a used honda civic 4cyl. with 100K miles on it, and in good shape

what would make the kawasaki ninja motorcycle compare with that?

what would a brand new cadillac automobile compare with a motorcycle

i would like a motorcycle comparable to a toyota camry v6 for around $3500

how many miles would that camry have on it, its year and the shape its in?|||Sort bike are not as comfortable as others. For comfort go for a standard like a sv650 or the like. To sit straight up or slight forward and not have your knees bent to far. Motor cycles go for as long as cars if kept up right. Just find a good used one that you are comfortable on. There is not a one i can think of with bad performance but safety if the one thing that lags on all motorcycles with weather being the next draw back. A older honda nighthawk or such just stay away from extreme sport bikes.

rd|||I'd like an apple that tastes like an orange.

You are comparing two completely different things. There is no way to compare them.

Want reliability? Buy a Honda.

Want comfort? Buy a Goldwing.

Want to ride bent over and start putting major money into repairs and rebuild at around 30K to 50K miles? Buy a ninja.

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